🛣️Development Timeline

Phases Overview

  1. Concept and Design: Completed the conceptualization and design of the game world and mechanics.

  2. Development: Currently in the alpha phase, focusing on internal testing and refinements.

  3. Testing: Beta version to be released for a limited user base for testing and feedback.

  4. Launch Phases: Rollout in phases, starting with 3v3 Legends Showdown and Epiko Valley, followed by Metaverse Quest and Epiko Raiders.


Q4 2023: Conceptualization

  • Market Research

  • Define Game Concept

Q1 & Q2 2024: Pre-Production

  • Story and Design

  • Technical Design

  • Prototyping

  • Art and Assets (Initial Phase)

  • Programming (Initial Phase)

Q3 2024: Production

  • Art and Assets (Finalization)

  • Programming (Finalization)

  • Sound Design

  • Alpha Phase (Feature Completion)

Q4 2024: Beta Phase

  • Closed Beta Testing

  • Polish and Optimization

Q1 2025: Beta Phase

  • Beta Testing Feedback Implementation

  • Marketing Strategies Planning

Q2 2025: Release Candidate

  • Final Testing

  • Localization

Q3 2025: Launch

  • Release on PC Platforms

  • Marketing and Promotion (Launch)

Q4 2025: Post-Launch Support

  • DLCs and Expansions Planning

  • Community Engagement Initiatives

  • Patches and Updates (Regular Release)

2026: Ongoing Support

  • Patches and Updates

  • Community Events

  • Continuous Community Engagement

  • Planning for Sequels or New Projects

Last updated